Monday, July 23, 2012

Wait, What?!

Well, it turns out that it's my last week as the Children's Ministry Intern at FBC Jesup and I can honestly say that I am not ready for this week to go. As tiring as this week has been, I can look back on this summer and see God's hand in everything that happened before, during, and what he is orchestrating to happen at the end of this week. My life has changed since I came home and took a year off from a camp that I love more than almost anything. Would I have accepted the call to Children's Ministry? Probably so. Would I have known how to even go about being a Children's Minister to a group of kids? Absolutely not.

I know now that I needed this summer to see that not only would I accept the call to children's ministry, but also I would get some experience in actually leading a group of kids for more than a week. I was blessed to be able to lead adults and parents for an entire summer as well and their openness, honesty, and willingness to help me with any random request that I had shows their heartbeat behind this summer was to get the kids involved and help them learn what a true relationship and walk with God looks like. 

I can't even begin to thank people individually because I know that this post would turn into one that spanned about six pages minimum. But, I have to thank my awesome staff that I got to work with this summer. Whether it was a staff meeting, seeking counsel, or simply joking around, this staff up here at the church have become more like my family rather than my boss and coworkers. They are seeking after God and his plan with everything they have for their own lives and more importantly for the life of this church. Sometimes we forget that ministers are people too, so remember to encourage them as they have encouraged you and this church. Next, shout out to my fellow intern PARKER WAYNE!! We have worked together for 10 weeks and haven't killed each other, in face we've only grown closer. You're the bomb. I know you're going to do some pretty awesome things. Hey Mom, I haven't forgotten about you. You have been such an asset to my organization and the small details of this summer getting taken care of and completed. I know that I wouldn't have been able to do half of what I've done without your help. 

For next summer, some questions are still around but I'm pretty sure I know where I'll be headed. I am still deep in prayer about it but I know that God has put a deep longing on my heart to go to where I am supposed to be next summer. I pray that God puts key people into my life that help guide me to where I'm supposed to be and that I take every chance I get to go thru an opened door. 

There are things that I'll never forget and I know that this is one of them. 

Live Today.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day Tres: Take A Stand, A 33 Year Old, and The 3 L's.

So Day 3 has come and gone and we are all in tact and haven't even gotten lost yet. We have had such a great day and it wasn't even OMC Day. Just like any morning we got up and let the kids go to breakfast and do quiet times, but today was even more of a blessing to watch because the kids were really really into camp. They are diving deeper and deeper into the word with every chance they get and that is the joy of camp. After quiet time we went into I Can't Wait and when the Gold Medal Group Leader competition camp up I saw my name up there! Well at the end of the game I was told that I had won and was the Gold Medal Group Leader of the Day! THAT was super exciting!! 

I walked down to the Recreation Field and got some awesome pictures of our kids playing some games and they were SO into recreation, it was absolutely an intense thing to watch. I even got to play some games myself! (Although playing the game where you tuck a flag in your pocket and run away from people wasn't exactly the most relaxed game in the world.) The amazing staff we have working with us has tied the Bible into every single thing we do here at camp and that is one of the great things about CentriKid. The Bible is the book of the week and it is preached all day every day. 

At track times I got to help with No Boys Allowed again and actually got to work with the girls through coming up with questions they wanted answered about life. I got to share bits a pieces of my story thru the girls asking me different questions about my life (I didn't tell them my age so they all decided that I'm 33) and it was awesome to watch them get excited to share parts of their testimony after they watched me give a snippet of mine. 

Worship tonight was AWESOME. Our kids learned so much on taking a stand for God and that it's not always going to turn out pretty and nice but it will always be right. Like the boys in Daniel, we will be thrown into an extremely hot furnace but our furnace it the world. We talked about how following God in your life involves three L's.

  • Listening
  • Loving
  • Letting Go
Sometimes we can listen and love but letting go of our lives and things we want to cling to no matter if there may be something better in store for us is definitely the hardest L to live by. I would never imagine that I would be the place that I am right now and I know that if I had not conquered my fear of completely letting go there is no way that I could be enjoying the millions of blessings that God has given me. 

Live Today.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Making the Wise Choice

Well Day 2 has come to a close and you can actually hear some of our kids' joints aching. I'm not joking. Overall it has been another FANTASTIC day at camp! We have had our first full 24 hours here and all the kids seem to really be enjoying it. Our church group host, Coach Colby, is super awesome and super talented at loving on our kids and being intentional with them to get to know their hearts more and minister to them in that way. 

We got to start out the day doing quiet times and it was such a joy to get to watch these kids pray and dive into the word of God early in the morning and start their day off talking to their creator. After that we went into I Can't Wait and of course the pastor asked the lovely question of "How much sleep did you get?" This one poor child had stayed up the entire night and actually had to be woken up to raise his hand to win the least sleep competition. Now my roomie and I have solved our not being able to wake up problem... we brought a coffee pot for the room. Some people say it's nuts, I say it's completely genius. 

My roomie and I braved Anderson, SC today (which is actually bigger than some people give it credit for) to go to our Mecca to pick up some supplies. This place is otherwise known as Target. Our directions were sound, we made it back in plenty of time to fill the coolers with new ice so our drinks were sitting in ice rather than floating like life preservers in water... Now filling up coolers with ice doesn't sound, nor is it actually that interesting; however, driving with coolers full of ice in the back of a church van is the interesting part. After we had manned up to get this large cooler and the smaller styrofoam filled, stacked on top of each other, and taken to the van we left our parking lot and headed around a corner. Then, a calamitous sound filled the van. That sound being one of ice flying EVERYWHERE. We stopped traffic, I hopped out, saved what ice I could and got to ride in the van the rest of the way to the boys dorm... it brought back a lot of memories from last summer. 

The kids are having almost as much fun as the adults are! During the time they had to call home today I got a lot of "Miss Taylor, do I really have to?" The answer was always, "YES." It's been such a relief to see that the kids are truly enjoying themselves and soaking up every minute of camp. Track times have been adventure for campers, staff, and adults alike. Today I volunteered to help with an all girls track, only to find out that the original staffer had become ill and was replaced with a girl that took over like a pro. I got to help her teach and figure out what to do with the track. (We always have to act like we know exactly what we're doing during track times, and this girl made her transition as seamless as it could possibly be.)

Our study today was about Daniel and how he decided to not eat the King's food. Thinking about the punishment he could've suffered makes me question whether or not I would have been able to stand up like that. We also talked about how Jesus made a determined choice to go into Jerusalem in his last days on Earth even though he knew that he was going to be turned over and sacrificed for our mistakes. That word sacrifice is our key word for the week and I pray that the kids come to truly know what it means. Sacrificing our lives doesn't sound fun (and it really isn't) but once we do give up our lives we discover everything we have been missing out on. And that is a reward greater than anything we could ever imagine.

I got to have some down time with the girls that came to camp with me tonight after church group time and their grasp on the Lord is just amazing. We talked about how to follow where God leads us whenever he's not actually in front of us, and let me tell you these girls have an understanding far beyond their years. All I can say to that is this, "Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!" He has blessed us beyond our imagination in our lives and the one and a half days we've been at camp. I can only imagine what will be in store for us tomorrow. 

Live Today.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Game On!

Well the first day of camp has come and gone and suffice it to say that I am in one awesome transitional phase. It was so strange to actually see camp from a Group Leader and a camper's perspective today and actually walk thru what they walk thru without having to guide them personally thru it. Whenever we pulled up, I was super surprised to see on of my friends jumping up and down! I was so surprised that I actually hung out the window and gave her a hug and squealed and all that girly stuff. After giving a big hug to her and some more people, I went in and registered our group and did the whole grown up thing of getting keys and such, which again was super strange. 

We got the kids separated into different rooms and let them unpack and rest for a little before the camp day began so it was nice to just have a little down time before I literally hit the ground running tomorrow. I am not used to not being in the aisles jumping up and down all while screaming and having a huge smile on my face, but at the same time I absolutely love it. 

Please pray for us as we go throughout the week. We will be learning and taking to heart the word sacrifice and what it means for us to present our lives as a living sacrifice and that can be a tough concept to fully grasp at this age in life. Shoot, it's even a tough concept for me to fully follow through with sometimes. Pray also for the kids. We have traveled far away from home and are in a different place; it's easy to get overwhelmed with the newness of it all so please just be in prayer that they will soak up each moment that they can and just enjoy being at a great camp. Lastly pray for our awesome staff and chaperones to have emotional/physical strength and tons of energy. I can already tell that we have an amazing group of staffers doing camp for us this week and am even more excited that I have the chaperones that I do with me. 

I will try to post a little something every single night but hey, it's camp so I can't make any promises. These kids are hopefully going to have a time that they can always remember with people they will never forget. Their hearts are ready to learn and their ears are ready to listen, so all we have to do now is just tell them the Word of God. I hope that their lives will be changed as much as mine was because of this camp.

Live Today.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Loud And Clear

In my previous post I asked for prayer to keep looking up and to focus my sight on God and not necessarily where he's leading me, but to just rest and become equipped to walk down the path that he is making me ready for more and more everyday. That hasn't been easy and there have been some direct sacrifices along the way, but I can say that I have a peace and a joy that comes from being alone with God without having my attentions diverted. Sad as it is to admit, that is exactly what I needed to happen this moment in my life. 

With that being said, my alone time with God has allowed me to come face to face and full on to a call that he put on my heart. I know that God has gifted me in many areas of being a nurse and that is what I will continue my schooling in, but after I graduate with my B.S.N. I will be following God to seminary. While God has blessed me with a gift in nursing, he has also blessed me with a gift and a strong love for children's ministry. I thought for so long that the two had to be mutually exclusive but after much research, talking to other nurses and children's ministers, and prayer I just don't see how or why I will need to separate the two. 

I have talked with my mom about this and she is behind me all the way and I am so excited to finally have a little glimpse of where I'm supposed to go. We have joked about different places but I know that if I make any plans right now, they more than likely won't pan out. I don't know which seminary I will be headed to because that will come after more prayer and searching but I just know that God's calling me so I will go. 

This calls for another pick up and move right after graduation (which I have a little while so obviously there's no rush) but I can't say I'm surprised. Asking God to run ahead of me wherever he wants me to go doesn't exactly sound like an invitation for him to keep me in the same place. He knows how to get me out of my comfort zone and has no trouble yanking me away from it. However, I now am getting a more complete understanding of blind faith and more full knowledge of his amazing ability to bring things together that we never even began to plan in the first place. 

My journey has begun and God and I will walk it together.

Live Today.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Looking Up

There comes a time in every college age person's life where you face a decision. It's the most important decision you will make in your life, and while you can seek the counsel of others, ultimately only one person can make the decision. 

No pressure, right?

This lovely decision and all it's importance is the one known as "changing majors". 

Before I went off to college I went from wanting to be a meteorologist, to fashion merchandising, to journalism, to bull fighter, to model, and finally as my senior year rolled around, I decided on Athletic Training. Sounds fun, huh? I basically would get to be out on a field watching games and making sure that an injured person received the proper care. I went in and was flying through my core and pretty much excelling in my major classes and really thought I had found my niche until one day the idea of being an athletic trainer just wasn't sitting right. So after much prayer, searching, and inspiration from a friend passed, I decided to become a nurse.

If you've been reading, you've seen how this path has been one of trust, blind steps, and leaping into the unknown. I really enjoyed the journey over the past year and didn't think anything could change my mind. That was, until I went to camp. 

Experiencing ministering to kids was a very unexpected opportunity that completely changed my life. If I had never gone to camp then I never would've loved doing ministry, if I had never fallen in love with ministry I wouldn't have taken this amazing internship with my best friend and amazing staff. All this being said, I'm coming to a point that I'm thinking that God might have something alongside me being a nurse... Being a Children's Minister.

God knows that I love to have an end goal in mind. He knows that it's practically written in my DNA to know where I'm going to end up. The in between steps can be a little fuzzy but I HAVE TO HAVE A DESTINATION. Well as my love for ministry grows every day, my end goal of simply being a nurse has become a little hazy to say the least. I've been struggling over asking God, "What do I need to do? Where do I need to go? Where are you leading me?" And then I realized he's leading me one day at a time now. He's going to break my compulsive need for an end goal until he is ready to reveal my destination to me. 

The author of "Jesus Calling" said it best: "Rest with Me a while. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey...."

I don't need to look in front, around, or behind. I need to look up. Don't worry about your destination, it may be hidden now but you are becoming more and more equipped for the days ahead.

Live Today.