Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Coming So Far

Christmas. The buzz word everywhere right now. I realize I haven't been blogging as faithfully as possible, but even I still hear christmas music on the radio and see candy canes in the store. But the more popular word for this week and the next... "Finals Week".

With finals approaching and then leaving as quickly as they arrive, the stress factor in the college population sky rockets. Nutritious food is quickly left behind for the binges of chips, pizza, cupcakes, basically anything unhealthy. Personally, my poison is animal crackers. We defy meals to much mind-numbingly on junk food and we pay for it later. But right now, I couldn't think of a better time to nap. Guys you think I'm joking but I'm not. Today, I took a solid 30 minute nap and have never felt better. 

The stress of finals has gotten to me. I will admit that sleeping restlessly and studying all the time makes me want to pull my hair out, but it's not enough to make me stay awake all day. In fact, study breaks have become my good friend these past few weeks. 

A few posts ago I stated that I was going to let go of numbers and live life more. Well, I can't say with 100% certainty that I've accomplished that goal, but I do know that I am so much closer than ever before. People have commented on my optimism during finals and wonder where it comes from. Sometimes I wonder myself where the pressure and stress went. It still reappears from time to time but it's nothing like freshman year. 

If I could go back and tell my freshman in college self some advice here is what it would be, "Taylor, you need to look up, go get some real food, nap, and just breathe." I remember times when I couldn't sleep because my heart was beating out of my chest about the possibility of not performing at a 4.0. Now that I'm a senior, that's actually okay. I have a very high GPA and have worked very hard for it. But I've also come a longer way in taking the grade of a C on an exam and instead of tearing myself up I build up my study habits.

It's finals week but the beauty of controlling stress is in our options to choose what will control our lives. I'm sorry, my grades aren't going to control me. I am very proud of them, but they are not my greatest accomplishment. In fact they are no where near the thing I am most proud of in my life. So to all the frazzled collegiates:

Look up. Go get a real meal. And take a big deep breath.

Live Today.