Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oh Bother.

Well, it's practically halfway through the summer and I'm still very much in love with my job as I was the day I started. This week is gong to be a little quieter than the past because my fellow intern and brother is out of town and at camp! He's been super excited about it for the past few months and now that they've finally made the eight hour trip they can finally just go to camp and be a youth group. This only makes me more anxious to be at camp with my kids in a few weeks. In all the hustle of getting money, forms, and contacts there seems to be something that has been gained in it all. That my friends would be a severe and crippling reliance on God and his timing. 

That reliance has come from more than just getting people's forms in, it's come from me seriously considering taking this part time internship and turning it into a full time ministry. I didn't think that working with kids over the past two summers would have changed my heart as much as it has, but I can't imagine doing anything else with my summers than stressing out and jumping around. (Trying not to do that at the same time.) God has shown me his love through these kids and I know that there is no better feeling that watching a child grasp the love and the grace that God has given them. 

Naturally this shady bit of uncertainty has affected my life simply because I want to know where I'm going at all times. Here again, I'm smacked in the face. I was talking to a friend the other day and was telling them all about what was going on and they simply said, "Jesus has gotten you out of a lot worse things than this, so what makes you think he's just gonna leave you behind now?" Ouch. 

I also finished up 1 Corinthians today and after looking through there a verse really stuck out to me. 

1 Corinthians 16:14 "Let all the things you do be done out of love."

God's greatest commandment is to love so it's not too surprising that you see the words "do love" pop up pretty much everywhere in the Bible. But it still doesn't hurt to be reminded every once and a while that even when we are frustrated or annoyed or even plain angry we cannot let these feelings get in the way of what we've been called to do. Love.

Live Today.

Monday, June 11, 2012

This is VBS?

Let VBS begin! A week of 12 hour days, jumping up and down, running around with kids, coming home exhausted and still doing work. Sounds oddly like camp to me. I was DEFINITELY not completely prepared to tackle the logistics, creativity, and many various aspects that directors undertake. And believe me, if it wasn't for my awesome team of directors and volunteers I can tell you right now there is no way that VBS would even be close to a success. 

Sunday during the Children's Sermon, Bro. Earl brought out our stuffed astronaut (Lt. Dan, he got new legs. Heehee!) And while his legs were pretty securely attached, his hands... not so much. So while Bro. Earl was waving his hands around a glove plopped off and hit the astronaut straight in the stomach. The kids definitely loved that. 

Last night, we got to do a VBS Kick-off were I got to play with kids on a bouncy slide and get snow cones and pop corn. Getting paid to play? Yes please. I don't think I've had so much fun this entire summer. I got kids going down on their stomachs, backs, barrel rolling, and just doing whatever. 

Tonight however, was more of a worship atmosphere. We're doing the SpaceQuest theme and it has been so much fun to watch the kids pretend like they're in space and jump up and dance around like there's no gravity. There's nothing quite like the feeling of leading worship for a bunch of kids. 

Working with the same kids has been a different thing for me to do but I know that God called me here for a reason and the reasons are starting to become clear. I am so excited to see what else will happen this week and how these kids lives will be impacted thanks to the amazing team of volunteers putting in countless hours and tons of effort towards the success of VBS. 

Live Today.