Now there are two men that I am particularly fond of and they are my Pop and my Granddaddy. These men stepped up and stepped in when I lost my own father and I have to say that they did a spectacular job. They filled my life with unconditional (and sometimes tough) love. If I have learned anything from my own short life here on this Earth, I know how time is fleeting. However, I never felt the depth and gravity of that knowledge until recently. For some reason this week I realized now more than ever is the time I should be spending with the best men I know. My life permanently changed after I lost my father but I couldn't ask for better men to have come in and give me that love, and my heart overflows with thankfulness and just awe at them.
As humans it is ridiculously easy for us to get caught up in the habit of thinking rather than action. I have thought about my blessings. I mean, I have taken time and just let the gravity of their impact be fully felt. And now I intend to maximize those blessings and really enjoy them. Whether that be more "just because" phone calls, slower runs to actually look at the scenery, or taking a moment to go swing. I encourage you to do the same. Don't let your days pass by in a haze because they are worth much more than your passing attention.
Live Today.
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