Admit it. Somedays are better than others. There are some days that you feel like you could conquer the world, and then there are other days where you just feel like you want to stay in bed all day and just not do one single productive thing. Well, luckily enough for me, today was neither of those days. I've been in a funk. (BJ, hope you don't mind that I'm using your word.) Honestly there is nothing to describe it but that. I feel like God's path for me has become completely over-grown with bushes and stuff that is just either getting in the way or covering it up.
There are so many things to distract a person. Ranging from Netflix to even your own thoughts. I'm not saying I know how to solve that or to even begin how to fix it because I myself am still trying to figure out how to get the distractions out of my life. However, one thing that I know for certain is that I feel like a wandering wonderer. I want to know what is going to happen in my life. I want to know if I'm going to even be a nurse. I want to know if there's anyone out there for me. I want to know why things happen. And yet at the same time I'm trying to figure all this out while trying to keep my eyes on the path that God has for me. And I don't know about you but I have semi-weird vision and sometimes only possess the attention span of a fish so distracting myself from the path isn't the smartest thing to do.
This weekend however, I heard something that really put all my questions and, well frankly, my lack of answers in perspective.
"God won't always show you the future, but he will certainly show you today."
I have doubts. I have worries. And I have fears. But at the same time I have a hope, a dream, and a drive that is bigger than my doubts, worries, and fears combined. (Except for my fear of spiders... honestly there is no hope for that one.) There will be more days where I'm in a funk, but there will be days where I feel the certainty and the solidity of following God's will. The rain will come and it may last, but it can't last forever. The sun will have to shine. First off because God promised he would never flood the Earth again, and secondly because even the skies run out of tears. I look toward the future with great anticipation. Not because I know what's going to happen, but because of the mystery that's been hidden will finally be revealed.
Live Today.
There are so many things to distract a person. Ranging from Netflix to even your own thoughts. I'm not saying I know how to solve that or to even begin how to fix it because I myself am still trying to figure out how to get the distractions out of my life. However, one thing that I know for certain is that I feel like a wandering wonderer. I want to know what is going to happen in my life. I want to know if I'm going to even be a nurse. I want to know if there's anyone out there for me. I want to know why things happen. And yet at the same time I'm trying to figure all this out while trying to keep my eyes on the path that God has for me. And I don't know about you but I have semi-weird vision and sometimes only possess the attention span of a fish so distracting myself from the path isn't the smartest thing to do.
This weekend however, I heard something that really put all my questions and, well frankly, my lack of answers in perspective.
"God won't always show you the future, but he will certainly show you today."
I have doubts. I have worries. And I have fears. But at the same time I have a hope, a dream, and a drive that is bigger than my doubts, worries, and fears combined. (Except for my fear of spiders... honestly there is no hope for that one.) There will be more days where I'm in a funk, but there will be days where I feel the certainty and the solidity of following God's will. The rain will come and it may last, but it can't last forever. The sun will have to shine. First off because God promised he would never flood the Earth again, and secondly because even the skies run out of tears. I look toward the future with great anticipation. Not because I know what's going to happen, but because of the mystery that's been hidden will finally be revealed.
Live Today.
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