7 December. "A day that will live in infamy." Those words still ring true and the date 7 December still stirs feelings of national unity and gratitude towards those who are serving, yet why do we need specific days to remind us of the people that are serving us in the most humble way possible, a way that we probably won't ever get to witness or experience? This questions puzzles me exceedingly.
This Thanksgiving, I had the pleasure of spending a wonderful day with family that fixed some fabulous food. I mean that stuff was GREAT. But I also had the pleasure of hanging with an amazing soldier. He's serving right now, and got a short vacation to come back and visit his beautiful and wonderful wife (my cousin, D) and just have some down time. Seeing him with her and how happy they are together made my heart just overflow with happiness for them. He makes her smile and laugh and just all around the most joyful person. And that's what true love is all about.
However this amazing soldier not only makes my cousin happy, he serves his country. No matter what sacrifices he has to make. He and D have picked up and moved twice in the short time that they've been married and the most recent move has taken them overseas. While on a base overseas, he learns that he has to go back to the war for another tour. I can't even imagine what is going through his mind whenever he learns that he has to leave his new wife and go back into a war-zone. However, no matter what is going through his mind he goes. D comes back to the US for a little bit and I can guarantee you that we've loved having her back, but seeing her and him together over Thanksgiving made me smile and at the same time broke my heart. Only a few short days after Thanksgiving he was going to have to leave again and they would wait many more months before they get to see each other again. This is a picture captured right before he headed off.
This is the epitome of servitude and strength. It takes an extremely strong person to leave comfort and go into a place literally outside of their comfort zone. I can think of nothing more heartwarming to me than watching soldiers run off a plane to be greeted by the ones who miss them and love them. This summer as I was waiting for my luggage in an airport around 11:30 pm a plane full of soldiers landed and as the passengers got off the entire airport just stopped and a roar of applause rang out over the entire airport. I get teary eyed simply thinking about the soldiers I saw run from the gate to someone with outstretched arms. I even saw a few of them crying.
Think about the way a simple thank you brightens your world. Even if it is from someone you don't even really know. The fact that they've taken time out of their day to acknowledge your work is a great feeling. That being said, shake a soldiers hand.(They deserve much more than a handshake, but it might be awkward if you just ran up and straight hugged them.) Tell them thank you for serving. These men and women are the strongest people in the world that would never tell you what they've gone thru for people they will never meet.
So, a huge thank you to men and women and my own family that are serving. (He may have married in, but he's considered full family.) You are thought of, you are prayed for, and you are appreciated.
Live Today.
This Thanksgiving, I had the pleasure of spending a wonderful day with family that fixed some fabulous food. I mean that stuff was GREAT. But I also had the pleasure of hanging with an amazing soldier. He's serving right now, and got a short vacation to come back and visit his beautiful and wonderful wife (my cousin, D) and just have some down time. Seeing him with her and how happy they are together made my heart just overflow with happiness for them. He makes her smile and laugh and just all around the most joyful person. And that's what true love is all about.

Think about the way a simple thank you brightens your world. Even if it is from someone you don't even really know. The fact that they've taken time out of their day to acknowledge your work is a great feeling. That being said, shake a soldiers hand.(They deserve much more than a handshake, but it might be awkward if you just ran up and straight hugged them.) Tell them thank you for serving. These men and women are the strongest people in the world that would never tell you what they've gone thru for people they will never meet.
So, a huge thank you to men and women and my own family that are serving. (He may have married in, but he's considered full family.) You are thought of, you are prayed for, and you are appreciated.
Live Today.
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