What is the motivation behind so many major ideas? Why do we sometimes do crazy things? Why do I always cheer for the Dawgs? What is the driving force behind so many things we do? One word. Passion.
One of the most passionate leaders in the Bible is David. We looked as Psalm 86 for the sermon and here are some of his key points.
You could see David's Passion thru his:
1. Desire. David asked to know God's ways here. Not just God's thoughts but his ways. David wanted to know how God would react to someone hurting his feelings, someone betraying him, someone letting him down. David's desire was much more than simply getting to know God like a casual acquaintance. Think back to your best friend or maybe even one of your parents. Do you love this person? Now, I know my mom. I know her ways. I can pretty much predict what she's going to say, what tone she's going to use, and even what face she is going to make whenever she is telling me something or she finds something out. And since I know her ways I love her for who she really is. I love her for her habits, thoughts, processes, and actions. I appreciate every aspect of her and who she is. This is the love that David desired for God. A love for the very essence and person God is. A love for the habits, ways, thoughts, processes, and workings of God.
2. His Devotion. Now David didn't skimp on the devotion here. In verses 11-12 he asked God for "an undivided heart". 11"...Unite my heart to fear your name." 12"I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart..." David didn't wan't to even think of the possibility of dividing his heart between God and something else. Important: David never lost his passion for God because he never gave it to something else. You don't lose your passion, you give it away to something else.
3. David's Declaration. 12"I will glorify your name forever." 13"You have delivered me from the grave." David understood the depth of God's love and deliverance. We have to constantly remember how big of a deal it is for God to even allow salvation to happen. We must declare how great our God is on a daily basis. We must also share your faith so we can have a full understanding. Do you ever have those "A-HA!" moments whenever you're explaining a something complicated to someone else? Those moments of "Oh, well now I get it!" When we share our faith with other people, we too are reminded of how deep and awesome salvation is.
Lastly, Carlos talked an essential part of leading. Recognizing where you're needed to lead. There are four types of people in your life (Not everyone has to fall into a category)
1. Seeders: People that plant dreams. For instance my seeder is Marshall, my grandma, family around me. They help me know that I can make it.
2. Feeders: These people give us fuel to keep on going. A HUGE shout out to Lindsey Cobb, she has been one excellent sister/mentor and I know I wouldn't be the lady I am without her in my life. She fuels me, keeps me sane, and helps me keep on going.
3. Leaders: These we don't always like. They stretch us, pull us, tell us when we're wrong. Now there's one main person in this category, and you probably guessed who it is for me... it's my Mom. She has always stretched me, pulled me, been completely honest, and corrected me whenever I needed it. And for that I couldn't be more grateful. In the moment it seemed more like wound but in actuality she was pulling, stretching, and correcting to allow for me to grow.
4. Needers: These are the people that need to be led by you. They are all around you everywhere you go. Rarely will someone come up and say, "Hey, ummm I'm going to need you to lead me here." You have to look for these people and recognize when you are supposed to be the leader and when you are supposed to be led.
"Get your passion for God right, and he'll get our passion for life right."
Lead Today.
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