The first official week has passed and Parker and I are still very much alive. It's a miracle right?
Well the first week of bible study was such a learning experience. This is the first children's bible study I have taught outside of the camp world and needless to say I was very very nervous about teaching it. But, just like riding a bike, I remembered that there's really not any magic words you can say or something magic you can do to make the kids truly take in and grasp what you are saying.
I've been reading through 1 Corinthians in my quiet time and the first few chapters Paul emphasizes a couple things. First, he is NOT the one who saves. He says over and over again, "Some say, "I follow Paul." Others say, "I follow Apollos." But you actually shouldn't be following either of us." He tells them over and over again that Jesus is the only one who can save, change, and cleanse us. Secondly, he really is passionate about not having to use big fancy words to share the gospel. I mean, this guy is really passionate about this. "My speech and my message were not plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God."
Now that was great for me to start out with and to learn, but something I struggle with as a bible study leader is worrying about looking silly in front of the kids. (Which they actually love by the way.) In Chapter 4 Paul says that while he is teaching he is a fool and he is weak for Christ's sake. If one of the greatest missionaries of all time is a fool while teaching thousands, I think I can be a fool for kids.

Now for the fun!! The birthday elves visited our Minister of Education last night and were kind enough to decorate his office with balloons, easter eggs, and even a hidden air horn!! How fun is that?? But after the birthday elves left, Mr. Earl decided to take it upon himself to welcome the interns... and this is what it turned out to look like.
Don't be afraid to be a fool. And don't be afraid to have fun!
Live Today.